Posts tagged ‘America’

January 1, 2019

Is it Now the End Time of the American Idea?

Like the coming of the lawless one, Nero Caesar, in the 1st century A.D. when the Roman empire dominated old covenant Israel, deep state operatives and their army of haters in the world today proceed according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth… (cf. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).
The patriots’ hope and prayer for the here & now is that the unfolding exposure of the entrenched leftocrat government swamp, the Godless, lying Democrat party and their corrupted media mouthpieces, will be the beginning of our nation’s purging of deep state wickedness, and a return to the Christian values upon which it was founded; that the gospel will shine forth and flourish in our time, and that those traitors who have criminally schemed to overthrow the president of these United States will be prosecuted, convicted and punished.

et al.

As Star Parker has observed, in 2020 America must decide whether to be biblical and free, or secular and statist. Will we go forward as one nation under God, embracing the ideals of our heritage as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, providing for limited government; that all men (and women) are created equal, endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights, including the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Or will we succumb to the nihilistic ideology that by big government decree purposes to kill defenseless babies in the womb (or even after birth!), and destroy the deeply held values such as the rule of law, the sanctity of life and marriage, the critical importance of the traditional family, personal responsibility and free enterprise for a prosperous economy, etc; etc. that have made this the most exceptional nation of this age?

Irrespective of the fate of our present generation, the long term, ultimate triumph of the ascended, enthroned, sovereign Lord Jesus Christ and His church over all opponents in time and history is inevitable. For He must reign til He has put all enemies under His feet (1 Corinthians 15:25). May our time be a time of new awakening to the Truth!

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
-Habakkuk 2:14

June 25, 2012

Best Laid Plans and Righteous Resources

In entering the blogosphere I am acutely aware of the Lord’s mighty hand on all things. Indeed He has brought about a confluence of circumstances leading me to establish this new blog, as I have become more and more zealous for the advancement of the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ in the here & now, and being on the “other side of the hill” so to speak, while living in a country that has regressed so far from the soundness and respectability of its founding documents which are based on biblical principles. The FaithFacts website has an excellent section on The Bible and Government which delineates this relationship. It is absolutely crucial that Christian Americans be aware of the revisionist bastardization of history that has been ubiquitously propagandized so as to impugn the motives of the earliest settlers of this nation who were Christian evangelicals! The postmodern “progressive” (actually regressive) agenda would have us forget that the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence acted on behalf of their posterity, “and for the support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.” Beloved, though our weapons are not carnal, and we fight not against flesh & blood, the kingdom of our Lord encompasses every area of life and we must be similarly dedicated, faithful and prayerfully confident to prevail.

To that end let me heartily recommend some resources to start. As victims of public schooling, many of us have been taught many erroneous things about the European explorers of the new world (Christopher Columbus et. al.), as well as the “Indians”, the Pilgrims and the Puritans, etc. so as to denigrate our nation’s founding, even to the point that the chief executive of these United States has stated that we are “no longer a Christian nation”. Do a phrase search of the Bible for “all the nations” to see how the regressives are going the wrong way…  (not only this nation, but Yahweh told Abraham that “…in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed…” [Genesis 22:18]).

Which leads me to the first recommended resource: Berean Bible Study Freeware, aka BerBible, available here. Get the Free Bundle with ESV, NASB, KJV, and other Bibles (about 10 MB).

Secondly, there is a 4-sermon series recorded by Pastor Joe Morecraft III in mp3 format that comes on a CD for only $5 titled “Ideas Have Consequences”, available here. The promo says it all:  Watching the news or observing the American culture begs the question, “What went wrong?”.  We were founded as a Christian nation, fleeing persecution, and now we cannot pray in public or speak out against wicked behavior without being persecuted or even prosecuted.  Listen to these lectures filled with historical facts and presentations of attitudes of another era and you will understand “what went wrong”.

Thirdly, a book titled “The Light and the Glory” by Peter Marshall and David Manuel, subtitled “Did God Have a Plan for America?”. Here is the editorial review: For those of us who, like the authors, have been exposed mostly to the secular accounts of this period of American history, the information presented becomes a revelation of very great magnitude. … This book is important. I would that every professing Christian read Gods Holy Bible and this book. There are, of a surety, better and more comprehensive histories than this, but I would recommend none more highly to introduce the student to our Christian American roots as pertains to our beginnings on these shores. — Christian Forum Book Review. This book is available from Also let me take this opportunity to advise that many books are available in Kindle format at significantly lesser cost, and they can be viewed on any computer with the free Kindle reading app.

Lastly, a new friend of mine has recommended “Paradise Restored” by David Chilton, available as a PDF for free online here. Not having read it yet myself, but familiar with Chilton’s work (“Days of Vengeance”), and with the subtitle of “A Biblical Theology of Dominion”, I recommend “Paradise Restored” unhesitatingly. I also highly recommend my new friend Publius Huldah’s blog, accessible from the blogroll at the right or here… and I close with this as stated there (extrapolated from Galatians 3:28):

“There is no such thing as Jew & Greek, slave & freeman, male & female, black person & white person; for we are all one person in Christ Jesus.”

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
To Him be glory both now and forever. Amen. (2 Peter 3:18)